The morning of the 23rd was overcast and about 32 degrees F. It snowed about an inch the night before and began snowing lightly again around 7:50 am. The high male count was 9 and the high female count was 1. Seven of the observed males were seen at the North Meadow, although they flushed the site only 5 to 10 minutes after becoming visible with the first light. A female and the other two observed males were seen on the East Ridge. The two males stayed there for the remainder of the morning until about 7:35 and spent most of their time not displaying but instead appeared to be foraging as they walked through the snow. Other wildlife observed at the site included Red-winged Blackbird and Mallard ducks, and a Great Blue Heron was observed flying north of the site.
The morning of the 24th was clear, with temperatures of about 22 degrees F and no precipitation. The high male count was 22 and the high female count was 4. Of this total, 21 males and 4 females were observed at the North Meadow, although they flushed early this morning again, at about 6:19 am. The other observed male was seen on the East Ridge until about 6:12.
The morning of the 25th was mostly clear, with less than about 10% cloud cover and no precipitation. The high male count was 16 and the high female count was 1, combining to a total of 17 grouse seen. 13 of the males were seen in the North Meadow and stayed there until about 6:17 before flushing. The 3 other males were seen on the East Ridge from about 6:30 until 7:15. The single female was also on the East Ridge, from about 6:30 to 6:40. Other wildlife observed included Red-winged Blackbird, Vesper Sparrow, Common Raven, Horned Lark, Western Meadowlark, Golden Eagles, elk and two female pronghorn, and a coyote. The coyote was observed later in the morning after all grouse had flushed the site.
It was a full moon the night of the 26th, and the morning was about 27 degrees F with about 40% cloud cover. A high male count of 2 was made at the North Meadow, with an additional 4 unknown, all flushing as early as 6:10. No more birds were seen for the remainder of the morning.
Today, the morning was overcast with temperatures of about 43 degrees F. It began snowing at 7:30. Wind speeds were calm. Four males were seen in the North Meadow until about 6:08- 6:24, with an additional 7 unknown. Three additional males were seen on the East Ridge. At about 7:30, thick fog and snow rolled in and the birds on the East Ridge were no longer visible.